Emu Oil Soap Tea Tree Soap

Emu Oil Soap Stops the Itch

This is the first time I have run out of your Rosemary Emu Soap soap since I started using it, and I want to make sure I don't again! All my life soap has made me itch. I didn't get rashes or have anything wrong with my skin, soap just dried it out and I itched. I switched to natural soaps about 15 years ago and that helped some, but they were still drying, in fact they seemed to strip my skin of natural oils even more. Then I tried a bar of your Rosemary Emu soap...I LOVE THIS STUFF! It is extremely moisturizing, but not greasy or heavy feeling like moisturizing commercial bars, and the silky feel is wonderful. The scent is pleasant and light, but of course best of all I DON'T ITCH after showering. The hard cured bars don't get mushy in the shower and are long lasting as well." Lisa F., PA
Natural Family Botanicals Healing Skincare
Emu Oil Soap Tea Tree Soap
This is the first time I have run out of your Rosemary Emu Soap soap since I started using it, and I want to make sure I don't again! All my life soap has made me itch. I didn't get rashes or have anything wrong with my skin, soap just dried it out and I itched. I switched to natural soaps about 15 years ago and that helped some, but they were still drying, in fact they seemed to strip my skin of natural oils even more. Then I tried a bar of your Rosemary Emu soap...I LOVE THIS STUFF! It is extremely moisturizing, but not greasy or heavy feeling like moisturizing commercial bars, and the silky feel is wonderful. The scent is pleasant and light, but of course best of all I DON'T ITCH after showering. The hard cured bars don't get mushy in the shower and are long lasting as well." Lisa F., PA