Soft, Itch-Free Bathing Experience
I love all of your soaps. I have been using them for years. Ten years ago I developed an allergy to what I thought was the fragrance in soap, lotion, shampoo and laundry detergent. I switched to unscented everything. Unfortunately that did not help. My skin was still itchy and irritated so I began to look around for an alternative. I tried a number of vegetable oil soaps and they were better than the synthetic soaps. While searching online I found Natural Family Botanicals and ordered several bars of your soap. What a change! My skin was soft, soothed and no longer itchy. And your soaps smell so good. I tried soaps from France, Spain and Greece but none of them made my skin feel as good as your soaps. Thank you for your wonderful products.
Natural Family Botanicals Healing Skincare
Bridget A., LA
